Lecithin & Phosilipds
Lecithin is found in the tissues of our bodies. Lecithins are mixtures of glycerophospholipids including phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid. Lecithin has an emulsification ability that suspends fats and oils and inhibits them from mixing with other substances. Lecithin has numerous health benefits, it is responsible for the maintenance of High/lower blood cholesterols level, brain and liver health, etc making it dominant in the health and pharmaceutical industries.
At Naturall-Le the Lecithin is extracted from wholly natural Non-GMO Sunflower seeds. Lecithin Powder, Lecithin Liquid, and Phosphatidyl Choline are the three products that come under brand Naturall-Le. For many years now Matrix Life Science has been successfully delivering these products. We believe every demand, every correct solution, every timely delivery, every prompt service, every deal adds value to our customers, hence over the years addressing the difficulties in handling and maintenance we came up with Lecithin Powder and made it more convenient for our customers.
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